Vision - Mission
- To preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- To persuade individuals to accept Christ as their personal Savior and train them to serve Him.
- To baptize by immersion those who have received Christ as their Savior, as an outward expression of the inward reality and in accordance with our Lord's command.
- To observe the Lord's Supper in accordance with the directives established in Scripture. The ordinance is reserved for those that have made a personal profession of faith in the Lord Jesus and are in fellowship with Him. We do not prohibit anyone from partaking of the elements, but maintain the importance of a personal examination and accountability to our Lord.
- To teach all things that lend to an effective Christian life, and encourage participation in all worship services, church activities, and other ministries. This includes the stewardship of time, talent, and resources, and the exercise of spiritual gifts.